Episode 4: “I…speak…Goblin!!!!” (D&D 5e Session 1)

Our first game session of the D&D 5e campaign, Guardians of Indir, comes to a close as the party fights off elves and a big green “guy,” as well as struggling to escape a disaster of their own creation. Will they all make it back in one piece? What information will they have for Karen about Steeev?

This episode also coincides with our getting added to the iTunes catalog, so iOS users can now also find us on the podcasts app.


Lucia helped to introduce this episode. We may start to include a bumper on each episode to introduce each character in that player’s voice, just to remind people which voice belongs to which character. Also, as we continue, I’m getting better at calling characters by name, rather than just “you” and “you.” But there’s still lots of dice rolling, and in this episode Squeak is impersonating Balasar, so I refer to them as “Balasar 1” and “Balasar 2” (or sometimes “Balasar Odd”).


Episode 3: “Welcome to the Neighborhood, or What’s Behind Window #2?” (D&D 5e Session 1)


After getting really excited about the game world with our session 0, we went right into playing in the world. So this week’s episode begins as we start improvising the game within the world we’ve created. We jump right into the City-State of Indir, with the party on the road south, looking to investigate another reported sighting of the blackguard Steeev Ganalon.


A side note on voices: I love to do voices for my characters, and I love playing against type as much as possible.  So that means that you will pretty much never hear me portray a British elf or a Scottish dwarf, both tropes so pervasive that many players fall into doing them unconsciously. But that can trip me up if I don’t really commit to it. My concept for the elves in this episode is that they were southern, but I should have made them full-on hillbillies. If I had, I probably wouldn’t have stumbled over inventing names for the reinforcements like I did.


I’ll know better next time. Every game of an RPG contains learning experiences.


Listen to the previous episode